The services offered through L.I.N.C are unique in so many ways. Part of the pleasure I find in my work is to adjust to the needs of my clients in ways that not only make my role in their lives accessible but most importantly life changing. Coffee shops, client’s workplace, client’s homes and my office are where all the magic happens. This mobile and adaptive service is key to keeping costs low and accessibility effortless.
Topics of Interest
Previous Courses :
Science of Relationship : Understanding it Helps Us to Parent More Confidently and Benefit Employees in The Corporate World
Anxiety – The Number One Emotional Struggle in Children
Defiance or Counterwill : It’s True Source
Your Child Obsessed with Friends and/or Videogames ? – What We Don’t See and Why
Bullying – The Unknown Dynamic Within
Play – Why it is So Important to Our Health and Well Being
The Nourished Child – West Island Women’s Centre
Quick Look Inside:
This is the most common presenting emotional problem in pediatricians’ offices, the classroom and the workplace. In examining the roots of anxiety we need to look closely at the important relationships in an individual’s life and it’s impact. It can be a strong source of angst and/or struggle between you and your child and/or your employee/mate, etc. Understanding the power of relationship from an emotional, psychological and/or physical perspective can empower us tremendously in our life.
This is certainly one of the greatest concerns in our society today. Unfortunately our culture struggles to understand it. L.I.N.C provides an opportunity for a clearer understanding of the inside world of a bully and a victim. This material applies to schools, the workplace, the home, the sports team, etc.
In the field of neursoscience now, it is confirmed that those people closest to us are in fact the most important feature in our lives. Mental health, not only in childhood, but also in adulthood depends strongly on a strong & warm bond with someone we feel safe. By safe it is meant ; physically, socially, emotionally and psychologically. With regards to children and their development, it is considered a future determinant in adult mental health.
Defiance / Oppositional Behavior
Much strain in both family life & the workplace can arise from an individual who struggles to co-operate, pushes back, can not see others ideas, etc. Understanding the instinctual behaviour of these humans can be a huge advantage to help everyone in their daily lives.
Developmental Delays
Many of today’s diagnoses are deeply rooted in immaturity. Exploring the varying stages of a human development and finding where your child’s development presents in the different stages will help empower you to guide, care for, advocate & teach your children/students.
Peer/Colleague Problems
There has never been more emphasis, confusion and struggle on the presence of peers in our lives, than today. If we begin to grasp the power peers are having and why, we would do well to keep our charges close to us and depending on us for longer than we actually do today. We are their best answer, not the girl or boy next door. When looking at colleagues we need to grasp the dynamic within a relationship that helps promote co-operation and understanding.
Science of Relationship
This is a topic where parents or a staff can get a unique and close look at the dynamics that exist within relationships. It is simple and very empowering once we understand how we can gain insight on our clients, help guide our children to their potential and improve colleague relations. The benefits are endless.
Transition to Kindergarten / High School
This is a huge emotional, psychological and social shift in a child’s life and no better a time for us to stand strong and alongside them so they feel our support and understanding. As the guides & leaders we want to be in our kids’ lives, matchmaking with teachers, leading into responsibility, structuring their routines, etc are all ways we can help strengthen their introduction to this new phase in their life.